Masticated Rubber

Random Oriented Fiber Structural Bearing Pad

Hanna Rubber Company produces Masticated (recycled) Rubber Load Bearing Pads, which are used in many construction applications such as precast and prestressed concrete bridges, building and structural steel bearing applications, as well as machinery, equipment foundation, railway tie pads, and shock and vibration isolation. Hanna Rubber’s Masticated Load Bearing Pads are made using a controlled blend of recycled rubbers that are fully cured with synthetic fibers that creates internal stiffening. With the synthetic fibers added to the Masticated Load Bearing Pads they are able convey improved tensile and compressive strength, stiffness, tear resistance, durability, and superior ozone and weather resistance.

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Masticated Rubber


  • Random-oriented Fiber Pad (ROF) to improve strength
  • Great for precast and prestressed concrete bridges and buildings
  • Used for railway tie pads
  • Compressive design loads up to 10.3 N/mm2 (1500 psi) and ultimate compressive strength of 69.8 N/mm2 (10,000 psi)
  • Controlled blend of recycled rubber reinforced with high strength synthetic fiber cords
  • Meets Caterpillar Specification 1E0553A and Federal Specification A-A-52402

Comparable to

  • Fabreeka SA-47
Physical Properties (original)Test MethodSpec MMSP8252Result
Tensile Strength, Min.ASTM D412, Die C
MD: 5.2 Mpa
TD: 2.5 Mpa
MD: 754 PSI
TD: 363 PSI

MD: 5.3 Mpa
TD: 3.0 Mpa
MD: 768 PSI
TD: 435 PSI
Tear Strength, Min.
ASTM D624, Die B
MD: 26.4 kN/m
TD: 52.5 kN/m

MD: 150 PI
TD: 300 PI

MD: 35 kN/m
TD: 60 kN/m
MD: 200 PI
TD: 342 PI
Elongation, % Min.
ASTM D412, Die C
MD: 15
TD: 40

MD: 18
TD: 50
Hardness, Shore A
ASTM D2240
80 ±5
Specific Gravity
ASTM D297 sec 16.3
Ozone Resistance
ASTM D518 "B"
Application Specific
Application Specific
Low Temperature Resistance
ASTM D2137 @ -40 C
Physical Properties
(Heat Aged)
Test Meithod
ASTM D573, 70H @ 70°C
Tensile Strength, Change % Max. ASTM D412, Die C±25-15
Elongation, Change %, Max.ASTM D412, Die C±25-20
Hardness, Change Pts. Max.ASTM D2240±10+4

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