Hanna’s material handling hose is a smart choice for transferring or conveying bulk materials via suction, gravity, or pneumatic systems where abrasion resistance is the primary requirement.
Example: Dry cement, sand, gravel, feed, seed and slurries.
Hot Air Blower Hose
Recommended for: Conveying hot air up to 350 °F from blower or compressor to storage tank used in the transfer of dry bulk commodities. Can also be used for transferring...
Material Handling 180
Recommended For: Transfer of bulk materials via suction pneumatic or gravity systems where abrasion resistance is the primary requirement and a static conductive hose is needed. Tube: SBR/NBR blend with...
Material Handling Hose
Recommended for: Transfer of bulk material, abrasives, concrete, and cement Temperature range: -40 F to +180 F Tube: 1/4" gum tube Reinforcement: Two-ply synthetic fabric with a wire helix and...