NA1500 Virgin PTFE Sheet


Style NA1500 PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) is a high molecular weight polymer and one of the most versatile plastics known to man. Style 1500 virgin PTFE sheet can handle virtually all chemicals in the 0-14 pH range with the exception of molten alkali metals and elemental fluorine. It is suitable for service at temperatures from the cryogenic range up to 500°F.

Application / Service

Style NA1500 This style is particularly recommended for applications in the food and beverage industry where high purity materials are required. It is also used where contamination or discoloration of flow media cannot be tolerated.

Meets the Following Specifications:

  • ASTM D3308
  • ASTM D1457

Download Data Sheet

NA1500 Virgin PTFE Sheet

Service Limits

Temperature Limits
Available Sheet Sizes
Thickness1/64", 1/32", 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 3/16", 1/4"
Sheet Sizes48" x 48"
60" x 60"
48" or 60" wide continuous roll

Typical Physical Properties

ASTM Test MethodPropertyValue
D638-61TTensile Strength at 73°F2000-3000
D638-61THardness DurometerD55-65
73°F, 1500 psi, 24 hr.1.73%
100°F, 1500 psi, 24 hr.1.91%
200°F, 1500 psi, 24 hr.4.57%
D256-56Impact Strength, Izod
73°F Average2.54
170°F Average3.69
D570-59aTWater Absorption.013%
-Static Coefficient of Friction at 73°F.085%
D150-59TDielectric constant (1000 cps)2.4
D257-61Dielectric Strength in Air235 volts/mil.
D696-44Coefficient of Thermal Expansion at 73°F2.75 x id. 5 in/in/°F
D177-45Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity3.12
D792-60TSpecific Gravity2.20-2.3

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